Thursday, May 7, 2009

PPL FAQS for JNTU BTECH CSE students (I mid and external Unit wise)


1)Explain about the reasons for studying Programming Language
2a) What are the advantages of studying Programming Language
b) Explain about Programming domains
3) Explain about the Language Evaluation Criteria in detail
4) Explain about the influences in Language Design
5)Differentiate between Object oriented Language anf Function oriented language
6)Explain about the Imperative and Logic Programming Language in detail
7)Explain about the Compilation and Virtual Machines
8) Explain about the Programming Environments

1a) What do you understand by syntax and semantics
b) Explain about general problem of describing syntax

2)Explain the Formal methods of describing syntax

3)Explain about static semantics and Attribute Grammars along with examples

4a)Write about Intrinsic Grammars
b)Write the Attribute Grammar for simple Assignment statements

5)Explain about the computing Attribute values and flow of attributes in the parse tree

6)Explain about Operational Semantics in detail
7)Explain about Axiomatic Semantics in detail
8)Write the Attribute Grammar for Simple if – statement
9)Explain about Denotional Semantics in detail

1) Explain about the primitive data types in detail
2) Explain about the Character String Types in detail
3) Explain about the User defined Ordinal types in detail
4) Explain about the primitive data types in detail
5a) Explain about Arrays and Indices
b) Explain about the Design Issues for Array data types detail
6) Explain about Array Subscript Bindings and Array Categories
7) Explain about Array Initialization and Array Operations
8) Explain about Implementation of Array Types
9) Explain about Associative Arrays in detail
10) Explain about Record Types in detail
11) Explain about Union Types in detail
12a)Explain about Design Issues of Pointers and Pointer Operations
b)Explain about problems in Pointers in detail
13)Explain the pointers in ADA,C and C++
14)Explain about the implementation of pointer and Reference Types
15)Explain about the Names and their design issues
16)Explain the concept of variable in detail
17)Explain about the type bindings and type inference
18)Explain about the storage binding and lifetime
19)Explain the Type checking and strong typing
20)Explain about the Type Equivalence
21)Explain the Evaluation of Static Scoping
22)Explain the Evaluation of Dynamic Scoping
23a)Explain about the Scope and Life time
b)Explain about the Referencing Environments
24)Explain about the named constants

1) Explain about the Operator Evaluation order in Arithmetic Expressions
2) Explain about the Operand Evaluation order in Arithmetic Expressions
3) Explain about the Overloaded Operators
4) Explain about the Type Conversions in detail
5) Explain about the Relational and Boolean Expressions in detail
6) Explain about the Short Circuit Evaluation
7) Explain about the Assignment Statements in detail
8) Explain about the Mixed-mode Assignment in detail
9) Explain about the two way Selection statements
10) Explain about the Multiple- Selection Constructs
11) Explain the ‘DO’ Statement of FORTRAN 95
12) Explain the ‘for’ Statement of Ada Language
13) Explain the ‘for’ Statement of C based Languages
14) Explain the ‘for’ Statement of Python Language
15) Explain the Logically Controlled Loops
16) Explain the User-Located Loop Control Mechanisms
17) Explain the Iteration Based on Data Structures
18) Explain the Unconditional Branching
19) Explain about the Guarded Commands
20a)What is the purpose of a compound Assignment operator
b)What is the associativity of C’s unary arithmetic operators

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